Penn Street Art Bridge project APPROVED!

The York Time Bank has received approval from the mayor to establish the Penn Street Art Bridge, a public art space on the bridge separating North and South Penn Streets.
Similar to self-organizing “Graffiti Alley” art spaces in Baltimore, Toronto, San Francisco and other cultural hubs,the York Time Bank is establishing the Penn Street Art Bridge to transform an ongoing offensive graffiti issue into a community asset by cultivating a space where budding urban artists are able to develop and display their craft in a legal and more positive and artistically rigorous environment.

The York Time Bank will work with local artists and art collectives to initially oversee the art space, which will eventually be self-directed with minimal oversight needed. At a later date, the Time Bank also plans to hold a free street art workshop demonstrating different painting techniques, and helping to encourage community participation in the public art space.

The time bank’s Team BEAUTIFUL is coordinating with local artists and other time bank members to do connect with neighbors and artists in the neighborhood, schedule the first “painting party” day, and flesh out the rapid response spray team. Also on deck is getting the art bridge’s website up, which will document the ever-changing face of the Penn Street Art Bridge.

Time bank members are encouraged to join Team BEAUTIFUL for regular updates and calls for participation.